I cannot play on time. Not in terms of missing beats, or losing the click in the middle of a song, but in that my timing is almost always off. I compared my played notes to the click in the DAW, and I’m usually rushing, sometimes by 30-40ms. I remember Adam Neely said once that 10ms is barely acceptable, so yeah.

I tried dividing the distance between clicks in my head, doubling the metronome tempo, moving with the beat, consciously conpensating for the rush, nothing helped. Therefore, my questions - how’s your timing doing? What can I do to improve mine?

  • MotorheadbangerOP
    3 months ago

    Why 65 bpm specifically? Why not start with 100-120 and go down in tempo, I think it woukd be easier this way

    • AfricanExpansionist@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Because you want ample time to set your pick. Because it’s harder than your way. At such low speeds it takes much more focus and your wrist and hand will be dying to play faster when you can actually relax. (this is a tense exercise at this speed!)

      Speed isn’t your friend. If you can’t do it slow then you can’t do it fast. Is it boring as hell? Yep. Do you want to be make progress and be better at your instrument? Then just do it for a few minutes. My teacher says quit any exercise after five minutes if I really can’t stomach it. The key is coming back to it again tomorrow and the next day, not mastering it in one sitting.

      This specific exercise will also train your hand for even tone and pick pressure.

      This is how bluegrass guitar and mandolin players train from the beginning.