She ate something she shouldn’t have and it’s blocking her intestines. She has to have emergency surgery tomorrow morning and this is all my fault. If my house wasn’t such a disaster, she wouldn’t be in this mess.
I honestly don’t deserve my pets because of this. I can hardly take care of myself. Idk why I thought pets were a good idea.
Until you know what was eaten, try to stop beating yourself up.
Dogs eat things. It’s in their nature. If they eat a sock and it blocks them up, that’s bad. But keeping all socks from them is tough. And they like to eat weird things.
Your job is to give them a good life and to try to keep them safe. You can’t demand perfection from yourself, and if your dog could understand, they wouldn’t blame you.
Finally, if you made a mistake, you can use this as a learning experience and do better in the future a bit. The alternative is closing yourself off to love out of fear.
I did this. One of my cats got out on New Years and was hit by a car.
Im the one who lets the dogs out, and he often snuck out when the dogs go out. I didn’t notice.
I will always have to live with that.
But I’m reveling in the love I get from my other pets, not pushing them away.