A bit of an oldie, but still pertinent.

  • @slaacaa
    171 month ago

    I mean at one point, even sane people just give up. I was also worrying a lot, then I accepted that the emissions will keep rising for reasons outside of my personal control. That doesn’t mean I start to eat with plastic cutlery at home, and drive a V8 Ford truck to work, but I’m also not going to stop it, unless I go Luigi on oil executives (and even that might be not enough).

    Climate change is happening, it will suck (it already does), and humanity will need to adapt to it.

    • @NocturnalMorning
      41 month ago

      That’s true, but we don’t have to sleep walking into it. We can fight it, and we can mitigate. I would rather mitigate than adapt. Adaptation is not only expensive (cuz some people only understand dollar signs), but it will also kill a fuck ton of people, and a lot of species on earth. I have to tune this shit lut regularly and pretend it isn’t happening or I’ll have a mental break down.

    • @dustyb0tt0mz
      21 month ago

      i’m insane i guess because i’ll never give up. i will give it back to the bastards if its the last thing i do.