"The EU’s role in the world is gradually growing, but it is not nearly as strong as its population and economic power would suggest,” the Czech minister said.

“I know that it is not at all popular. I think that a European Federation or a United States of Europe would only put Europe in a position where we would be a truly equal partner in the game between China, America, or Russia and India,” he added.

  • Riddick3001OP
    1 year ago

    Already in EU there’s an unhealthy competition between territories for market shares and profits. Corporations and multinational are driving change towards pauperization and climate disaster throughout Europe (… etc)

    This is quite a statement and generalisation. How do you come to this conclusion? As far as I see it, it’s the (right winged) nationalism & regionalism and or (Sino-Russian) propaganda/rhetoric that has been causing problems of late.

    Many regulations the EU has forwarded are impossible to achieve on national or regional level.
    Expecially concerning emissions and climate issues and nature conservation. And talking about company’s profit, as long as national countries enable tax evasion, the rich will become richer. So there’s been a New law EU law proposal so the richer people & companies will always have to pay taxes.

    These past years it was the EU that’s been stopping market dominance and securing a more healthy competition, consumers security & privacy. I don’t know where you’ve been living, but your standard must be pretty high. Tell me more about your Walhalla, and how I get a visa.

    Also there are many kinds of federations, so " he " nor anyone else has specified or could specify what kind of federation is going to be formed. It’s just an intent or direction, if you will.