I did end up googling it, of course lol. Definitely looks interesting. I have so many animes I want to check out atm so I guess I’ll just add it to the pile.
What I liked most about HoriMiya really was the slice of life stuff and then the silly romance stuff was the icing. Getting invested in their relationship is definitely what kept me reading though, for sure. Honestly, I think it’s the first romcom book or manga I ever read.
Its so good, i think its getting a second season this year too
Fantastic choice to watch on a rainy/cloudy day
I did end up googling it, of course lol. Definitely looks interesting. I have so many animes I want to check out atm so I guess I’ll just add it to the pile.
What I liked most about HoriMiya really was the slice of life stuff and then the silly romance stuff was the icing. Getting invested in their relationship is definitely what kept me reading though, for sure. Honestly, I think it’s the first romcom book or manga I ever read.