The Duff CEO with a Windows-Logo on his forehead: “Gamers use Windows because of its’ user experience not our de facto monopoly.”

Next Image: Duff CEO with Windows-Logo in front of a “Out of Business” sign. Subtitle: “30 minutes after SteamOS is released”

Edit: Yo, I’m not saying this is gonna happen. I just want to say that Windew’s UX sucks ass.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I grew playing with a computer on the first Pentium generation, the only reason I tried to get Linux to work is one game that runs better on it because of shaders issues, when I’m done playing it I’ll probably delete my Linux partition.

    • @papalonian
      12 months ago

      I’m not sure where that assumption comes from, or again it’s relevance to the conversation, but I had a couple platforms growing up. Most of them were hand me downs. My earlier childhood was spent on a PlayStation 2, and my teen years were shared between the 360, Wii, and my shitty laptop.