• BlackLaZoR
    18 hours ago

    You seem to confuse free education and healthcare, government control of essential resources (water, electricity) and government taking case of the poor and disabled to some authoritarian communist shitshow behind the iron curtain.

    You’re mistaking socialism for welfare state. Socialism IS the authoritarian shitshow behind iron curtain

    • Random_Character_A
      16 hours ago

      If that’s so, why do political left wing parties name themselves according to authoritarian shitshow behind iron curtain.

      • BlackLaZoR
        18 minutes ago

        Because it appeals to misguided people who have no idea what shit show it was.

        Seriously, in Polish Sejm there’s currently no party with “Socialism” in the name. That brand doesn’t sell here

        In reality the model you described earlier runs in majority of European countries - state run health care + state run or at least state controlled critical infrastructure + some welfare for poor - all of this financed by taxes collected from capitalist economy.

        By all possible definitions it’s a welfare state

        Most of civilized world outside of US works like that.