Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?

  • Justagamer
    55 hours ago

    In the future I predict it will add a “share” button. And the more engagement you get on social media is how you can earn discounts and stuff.

    • snooggums
      45 hours ago

      Plus they jack up the default menu prices so the only way to get a comparative price to what existed before the ‘discounts’ is to use the app and be engaged.

      • Justagamer
        54 hours ago

        Ha. I remember around the 00’s the Best Buy website had increased prices if you went to the site while in the store. Checking the site from home had lower prices to compete with online stores.