Fuck this sucks to see. What an incredibly stupid thing to tweet. He got absolutely cooked in the replies as he deserved to. Trying to pass it off as purely based on policy then when users bring up a comparison of dems anti trust policy vs Republicans he is silent.
I got a year subscription and I almost finished moving everything over to protonmail. But I cannot support someone who genuinely thinks the Republicans are a positive force.
That doesn’t mean making an effort to minimize harm is pointless, it just means you’ll never get it to zero. Touting that phrase all too often turns into a band-aid to excuse less-ethical choices, just because someone’s always getting screwed somewhere.
That’s your right. But when I look at the things I own, I see the suffering it caused to other humans beings. My shirt was probably made in a sweatshop, my smartphone has Congolese children blood in it, my car is destroying our environment … and I see no actual alternatives to these. I just try to change these things as little as possible.
Fuck this sucks to see. What an incredibly stupid thing to tweet. He got absolutely cooked in the replies as he deserved to. Trying to pass it off as purely based on policy then when users bring up a comparison of dems anti trust policy vs Republicans he is silent.
I got a year subscription and I almost finished moving everything over to protonmail. But I cannot support someone who genuinely thinks the Republicans are a positive force.
There’s no ethic consumption under capitalism, unfortunately.
That doesn’t mean making an effort to minimize harm is pointless, it just means you’ll never get it to zero. Touting that phrase all too often turns into a band-aid to excuse less-ethical choices, just because someone’s always getting screwed somewhere.
That’s true.
Very, very stupid thing to say under the circumstances. Like top tier dumb.
Not incorrect, just fox news level of dumb.
Bookmarking and praying to learn this painful lesson for real this time😤
I completely disagree with that stupid phrase.
That’s your right. But when I look at the things I own, I see the suffering it caused to other humans beings. My shirt was probably made in a sweatshop, my smartphone has Congolese children blood in it, my car is destroying our environment … and I see no actual alternatives to these. I just try to change these things as little as possible.