I wonder what you could mix it with for some interesting effect.
Mix powdered sodium with (?, would calcium chloride still work and be stable?) and turn it into granules, cast that onto snow and ice, and have it glitter or spark as it melts the snow.
You probably could, but that sounds like a nightmare mixture that could go off with atmospheric moisture. Though I do not have enough chemistry training to say for certain.
You are probably right that it would be interesting.
I wonder what you could mix it with for some interesting effect.
Mix powdered sodium with (?, would calcium chloride still work and be stable?) and turn it into granules, cast that onto snow and ice, and have it glitter or spark as it melts the snow.
I didn’t say safe. I just said interesting.
That last sentence is the important one.
You probably could, but that sounds like a nightmare mixture that could go off with atmospheric moisture. Though I do not have enough chemistry training to say for certain.
You are probably right that it would be interesting.