Like, what the fuck. Waiting rooms, libraries, movie theaters, on and on. That same fucking Samsung notification sound, at volume 11/10. For every notification every 20 seconds as Fox/CNN/QVC forces more and more bullshit on you and therefore us. Do you not know that you’re pissing everyone off? Do you not care? I hope it’s because you’re too stupid to turn off sound notifications, but the high volume suggests that you like it and want more. Your generation was the one making us be quiet in public spaces and now you ruin them for everybody. Seriously, fuck you.

  • Yggstyle
    132 months ago

    While yes I feel you on this … the boomers are probably going deaf and need the extra volume… the asshats who have the phone on speaker like a goddamn walkie talkie in those same public places should be drawn and quartered.

    Generally a bigger push towards “maybe don’t be a pubic nuisance” for everyone: regardless of age/generation couldn’t hurt.