Starting out today, I wanted to lay out the rim of the ceiling, before laying out machinery that might get in the way, since all the 45-degree corners have to be built my hand.

I experimented for a WHILE with the blueprinter, and spacing and alignment and whatnot. Ultimately, I managed to fit 55 generators in the floor space, and I think that’s about the max.

Filling in the ceiling, and that’s this building pretty much done. Except for all the piping work on the logistics floor, but I’m going to save that for later, until after I have all the generators laid out. There’s a very specific distribution strategy I’ll need to implement for grouping up generators with refineries, so I’ll need to know where all the generators are going to sit before I can finalize that.

I also ended up with a few foundations worth of empty space, that wasn’t enough for an additional generator, so I turned that into a little balcony to serve as the main entrance to the campus.

So, after 55 generators in the last building, I need 16 more to finish out the campus, and it just so happens that’s what I was able to fit in here.

With the concept proved, I laid down an outline for the building, to guide placement of blueprints.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, these big chonkin’ corals aren’t destructible. Great.

Reworking the outline and layout again, I can avoid the indestructibles, but I lose the space for 3 machines. Nothing for it, there just isn’t enough space here to expand out this building any further. Gonna have to do 1 more building.

Before that, I got this one detailed and finalized.

After agonizing for a little while, I decided on this little spot up here, and built a proof of concept. There’s just enough space here to avoid interfering with the coal mines in the background there, that I’ll still need to build out.

To make this spot work, I’ll actually need to reclaim this extra foundation of empty space at the end of the prior building. Due to the big difference in elevation between these two buildings, I’ll need that extra space between them to run piping and walkways. And again, I want to leave as much space as possible between the new building, and the coal nodes, so I don’t want to shift that one backwards.

More outlining, blueprinting, detailing, and finalization.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that should complete all the buildings needed for this factory. All that remains is to build out an Oil Extractor, a couple Coal Miners, the tubeway to carry in Sulfur from the outpost I built last week, and to run all the interconnections between the buildings. Closing in on the final stretch.

  • @BallShapedMan
    22 months ago

    The roof of the generator building at the top of this post before you filled in all the roof had something to it. Might want to consider redoing the roof with that in mind. The first picture inside the post.

    • @[email protected]OP
      12 months ago

      Not sure what you mean. You want me to go back to having gaps in the roof, between all the generators?

      • @BallShapedMan
        22 months ago

        I don’t know that it’s the final form but the gaps or ability to peak between was visually interesting and I got excited to see where it was going. Then it got covered up with a flat roof.