Farmers. Farmers can make a lot of money, they hire “unskilled” immigrants to harvest crops and shit like that (often if not usually illegal immigrants) and “underpay” them. It’s a complicated situation that people usually look down on but everyone benefits in some way. Is it fair that a legal US citizen would be paid more for the same work? Not really because the same employee costs a lot more to employ, and some of that wage pays into the system whereas people paid under the table do not.
The people who get the money instead.
Which is who?
Farmers. Farmers can make a lot of money, they hire “unskilled” immigrants to harvest crops and shit like that (often if not usually illegal immigrants) and “underpay” them. It’s a complicated situation that people usually look down on but everyone benefits in some way. Is it fair that a legal US citizen would be paid more for the same work? Not really because the same employee costs a lot more to employ, and some of that wage pays into the system whereas people paid under the table do not.
Usually executives.