Hot on the heels of Bambu Lab’s announcement that it would be locking down all network access to its X1-series 3D printers with new firmware, the X.509 certificate and private key from the Ba…
You gotta love how quickly Bambu Lab got their ass handed to them.
Also, they’re really testing the Streisand effect with this one: talk about bad publicity when even people who don’t know the first thing about 3D printing knows you’re a shitty 3D printer maker…
Pretty solid how to by Louis:
You gotta love how quickly Bambu Lab got their ass handed to them.
Also, they’re really testing the Streisand effect with this one: talk about bad publicity when even people who don’t know the first thing about 3D printing knows you’re a shitty 3D printer maker…
Pretty solid how to by James TDG 😉 Louis shouldn’t be given the credit here
Being willing to host the platform that will rub manufacturers the wrong way and will absolutely net a lawsuit or two is worth giving some credit for.
The person who researches and identifies the key deserves some. The person who writes the guide to publish it on the site deserves some.
Everyone involved deserves credit for their part.