I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.

  • @DragonsInARoom
    221 month ago

    The mod team tried to move everything to .world. No one liked that and now there’s [email protected] [email protected] and [email protected] the top two are run by the old mod team, the last one is ran by a new mod team. Blahaj zone and onehundresninetysix are active. (Rip 196.world, gone and certainly forgotten.) The mod team and admin had a drama over heavy handed admin over reach on bans in 196blahaj.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      The mod team and admin had a drama over heavy handed admin over reach on bans in 196blahaj.

      That’s one way to say it. Another way to say the same thing is disagreement about ban decisions and length of ban duration.