• @dejected_warp_core
    21 month ago

    Krull?! We can agree on that. It really is an amazing and entertaining mess of a film. I can just hear the writers now…

    Hrm, the script just seems kinda… flat. I know… <<massive bong rip>> let’s add storm troopers and lasers to the mix.


    videoganes from the Atari era such as ET

    That is a game that is difficult to love. You may be in a very exclusive club on that one.

    • @MothmanDelorian
      21 month ago

      I was five or six and gaming was new. It never occurred to me that having to reset the game because I fell down a hole was a bad thing. To me it was just like dying in any game but you only had the one life. I loved ET and beat the game often.

      That being said Yar’s Revenge and RealSports Tennis are the best Atari 2600 games IMO