
  • @strangemath
    1171 month ago

    You’d think Linus would know better than to ask GN for receipts.

    • dinckel
      671 month ago

      He genuinely believes that he’s above all of that now, or almost too successful to fail. If the last huge controversy hasn’t put a dent into his cult of personality, not too many other things will

    • @NOT_RICK
      241 month ago

      How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, old man?!?

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I responded elsewhere in this thread with more commentary and I’m also not done reading yet, but how is receipt 1 anything at all? It seems both parties closed that email chain satisfied with the resolution outlined by Linus. If GN was upset with the resolution, maybe they should have said something?

      Edit after further reading: How is receipt 2 anything at all either? Steve literally says in the opening of his email that the information is intended to be useful for future attempts. If he wanted LMG to edit old videos or provide extra detailed information then maybe he should have asked?

      Receipt 3 is rough for Linus though, he has to do better when it comes to communicating. Not only with the choice of language but when it comes to understanding the the intent and body of a message before responding himself (the latter not too surprising given his history of wan show live responses to misunderstood chat messages).