I have my doubts that it makes a significant difference in actual print quality though. Looking at polymaker for example, they specify a tolerance of ±0.02mm on diameter for 97% of the material, and the article mentions an effective accuracy of this sensor of ±0.015mm.
Maybe the best tuned perfectly calibrated hobbyist printer will see a difference, but for a regular well-tuned printer I think this is is more of a cool novelty mod.
Very curious to see how much this impacts print quality!
I have my doubts that it makes a significant difference in actual print quality though. Looking at polymaker for example, they specify a tolerance of ±0.02mm on diameter for 97% of the material, and the article mentions an effective accuracy of this sensor of ±0.015mm.
Maybe the best tuned perfectly calibrated hobbyist printer will see a difference, but for a regular well-tuned printer I think this is is more of a cool novelty mod.