Kick your feet up and drop a shitpost off at [email protected], meme in [email protected] or chill with the cats of [email protected]
If you saw my comment about the pitch fork, here you go: ------E (deluxe upgrades are extra)
Welcome aboard!
ETA Context:
I’m out of the loop. What’s this “Reddit thread from earlier today”?
Also, yes, welcome to former Reddit users. I’m also a former Redditor, but I left during the API pricing fiasco.
A thread on r/technology about Decentralized Social Media actually got some good traction so a few of us logged back in to promote Lemmy a bit lol
This post is currently at the top of r/AskReddit, the following comment is currently at the top:
Link - there’s already some suggestions of Lemmy, but it would be good to keep adding more!
Ah! Cool! Always good to be expanding the fediverse.
Maybe edit this link into OP for context