It’s a liberal cesspool full of people who refuse to listen when you speak. I explained how the SMO in Russia was justified going all the way back to fucking WWII and Stepan Bandera to Russia not wanting Ukraine in NATO and some dickhead told me to “tOuCH gRaSS”. Didn’t even address any of my points, just that “dEnAziFIcaTioN iSnT a gOoD rEasOn, iT’s aS bAd aS wMDs”.

Fucking moron. I hate that fucking place so fucking much.

  • @[email protected]
    142 years ago

    So if the war means Ukraine cannot practically join NATO, and if Russia is unlikely to leave Ukraine in a state where it could join NATO after the war, is it likely that invading Ukraine will lead to Ukraine joining NATO?

    • @hitwright
      12 years ago

      You are right. Since deescalation from Russia into a cease-fire would mean the end of the War, now they are pushed to a full blown war of attrition. (That’s depressing AF)

      On another note western countries are heavily claiming long term support for Ukraine with huge investments in the military complex. If the support continues there is still a very slim chance for Ukraine to exit out of this victorious, otherwise both will lose.