It’s a liberal cesspool full of people who refuse to listen when you speak. I explained how the SMO in Russia was justified going all the way back to fucking WWII and Stepan Bandera to Russia not wanting Ukraine in NATO and some dickhead told me to “tOuCH gRaSS”. Didn’t even address any of my points, just that “dEnAziFIcaTioN iSnT a gOoD rEasOn, iT’s aS bAd aS wMDs”.

Fucking moron. I hate that fucking place so fucking much.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    Reddit sucks, but we also have to resist the impulse to write the masses off and retreat into our own groups. While material conditions are a huge driver of peoples’ politics, propaganda works, conversations can change minds, and ultimately we have to bring a lot more people around to socialism before we realize any of the changes we hope to see.

    Your pipeline left needs to start where people are, and where people are is shitty corporate social media.

    • QueerCommie
      231 year ago

      Reddit is not a very good place to start trying to radicalize people. Go outside, talk to real people, they are more receptive than online dibshits most of the time.

    • relay
      151 year ago

      You can radicalize people IRL too.

      The lemmy fediverse seems to be paying attention to us so, i don’t think we are completely walling ourselves off.

    • Nocturne DragoniteOP
      151 year ago

      I’ll let more capable people do that then. I don’t have the mental capacity for it anymore, I’ve been doing this shit since leftbook back in 2016 and just being on social media gives me anxiety.

      • @TokenBoomer
        41 year ago

        Don’t let them get you angry. That’s what they want, for you to give up. Take a beat. Breathe. Respond with cogent theory and don’t take their bait. You’re not doing it for the radlibs. You’re doing it for people like me, who lurked on Reddit for years.

        • Nocturne DragoniteOP
          51 year ago

          I gave a succinct explanation of the conflict in Ukraine and someone just said “touch grass” without even reading it. Maybe someone else got something out of it but with Reddit hiding anything that gets downvoted the value of what I said was lost.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Similar story to me. Reddit was part of my political education. I had already got to the point where I thought Marx had something useful to say and that liberalism was a dead end. But then I had so many questions that I couldn’t answer or couldn’t quite figure out for myself.

          I searched for every question on Reddit and read through all the Marxist answers, glossing over and ignoring the trolls and liberals who were clearly misinformed.

          It’s all right Marx being right but if he didn’t have a method for replicating more right answers, he would be no better than liberalism. It was Marxist Redditors who helped me realise that historical and dialectical materialism underpins the conclusions that Marx comes to and allows other Marxists to consistently come to the right answers and, somewhat, predict the future. Non-Marxists occasionally do the same but it’s random.

          Can’t forget the wider audience! (Also, I fully accept the need to rant about the contrarians, though.)

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    Your mistake was trying to ask for a reasonable view of Russian government’s action. To the average redditoid, nothing Russia does is ever justified in any way. Fighting terrorists? “That’s just an excuse to persecute minorities and national liberation!” Fighting Nazis? “Akschually Russia is real Nazis!”

    Russian government been doing lot of aping from the west, and these types universally condemn it, without a hint of self reflection. If tomorrow Putin completely withdraws from Ukraine, dissolves the federation and puts pentagon in charge of the Russian military (cough south Korea), they’ll still find something to blame.

    • Nocturne DragoniteOP
      131 year ago

      That Russiagate op really got people believing Russia is the USSR again. Like literally for years it has continuously been demonized just for existing. I’m aware that it’s not a worker’s state and deserves criticism for its reactionary tendencies, but nuance isn’t something that seems to exist when talking about things like geopolitics, which isn’t a fucking Marvel movie.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        You’re not allowed to separate the analytical process from picking a side. If your analysis doesn’t confirm that you should unequivocally support the ‘good guys’, you must’ve erred in your reasoning.

        Unfortunately this logic permeates every Western institution. Analysis is subjugated to liberalism. Coming to conclusions that do not support the status quo is dangerous shit. It puts your livelihood at serious risk.

        That, and the lack of any critical self reflection, never raising the question, ‘If my analysis keeps leading to conclusions that do not coincide with reality, is reality wrong or my thought process?’

        • Nocturne DragoniteOP
          141 year ago


          I’m not a citizen of the settler empire, I’m a subject. So to me the illusion was never strong enough for me to vehemently defend it. I never understood the Amerikan worship of itself because they claimed to be #1 and the best…but at what?

          I eventually came to realize I had no loyalty for this country that enslaved my people and took our land, and eventually arrived at being an ML when I realized my heroes, the BPP, were also MLs.

          I honestly feel like understanding historical materialism is what helped me understand geopolitics the most, but that requires a critical understanding of how things have gone in the past, without the filter of the West to dilute the information.

    • @freehugs
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    1 year ago

    As soon as the writing and worldbuilding scene matures on Lemmy I’m out of that corporate hellhole. It’s literally the only subreddit I still regularly participate in.

    • Nocturne DragoniteOP
      121 year ago

      I kept thinking about reasons to stay but after realizing that I have none I just deleted the app. I’m so tired. The only thing I might miss are the saved posts but I’ll live, I can always get the information here.

      • @TokenBoomer
        31 year ago

        You gotta do what’s best for you and your mental health.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I think it’s a sentiment a lot of us have dealt with. Which is why it blew up, it’s relatable.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Fascist <= Liberal => Communist

    In this current world, as the situation has become, every body is born almost fascist then some education turns them into liberals that are always susceptible to fascism again whenever the state want. When liberals start educating themselves more they start seeing the truth and lies and perils of current system. And when they are exposed to left they accept it as the only alternative.

    Those people (if they are not bots) that you are facing on reddit or any other plateform bashing communism are either paid trolls or fascists that must be laughing when called a liberal.

    I may be wrong but this take is from my experiences these days. You’re more then welcome to correct.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      “Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.”

      You have it a little backwards. Liberals are kind of the “default” in capitalist society. Fascism could almost be considered an extension of liberalism. It has the same economic values, and often the same political values, just more “mask off” about them. You’re right that a liberal who educates themselves ceases to be a liberal, but most people online are not secret fascists, or at least, not consciously so. Liberals just have a lot of overlap with fascists, that’s all.

      And while we joke about the paid trolls and three letter agents a lot, the truth is that there are plenty of people willing to do their dirty work for them for free. They don’t need to be paid, they do it of their own volition, because they see it as “saving democracy from the evil tankies.”

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Liberals are drawn to fascism easily because at some point State want them to and they oppose Communism, also because the State want them to.

        So the libs are just like some toolset of State to oppose Communism and support fascism when need arises.

  • @Porcupirate
    11 year ago

    I agree that Reddit has more unknowing “Hwell Acktually” types than is good for anyone’s mental health. It doesn’t make discussion any better. But if you proclaim your hate and call people morons you might be part of the problem. If someone is wrong on the internet you could just be doing them a favour by acting like that.

    • Nocturne DragoniteOP
      91 year ago

      Ah yes it’s certainly my fault that when I tried to answer a question I was met with ignorant hostility because people wanna feel good about their positions as if it’s a fucking Harry Potter book.

      It wasn’t even an “Hwell acktually” moment, they just ignored everything I said.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Nothing more disheartening than when you outline your position and why you believe the things you do only for some lib to just accuse you of things you never said and just ignore everything you wrote. “Smug ignorance” might as well be the motto of reddit.

        • Nocturne DragoniteOP
          61 year ago

          What’s worse is that it was in a supposed “leftist” sub. What else am I to do when I lay out my positions in a succinct way, and it’s met with that kind of hostility?

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            Any actually leftist sub gets purged there, Americans think that “liberal” is a left wing perspective. Too many subs are just built around accommodating that instead of actually challenging that kind of toxic behaviour. Though the ones that don’t do just end up getting banned or quarantined, so it is probably a bit of selection bias.

      • @Porcupirate
        21 year ago

        Of course someone else’s response isn’t your fault. I’m not saying that you are wrong for disliking it, either. The unfortunate truth is that in every community, you will find people who just don’t know how to argue. That group gets bigger if the community grows. Being angry about it doesn’t help anyone though.

        What I meant with the “hwell acktually” comment is maybe the same as you just said but in different words: people who like to be right all the time and feel good bout it.

        • Nocturne DragoniteOP
          21 year ago

          Yeah…you’re right. Honestly I’m just venting. I’m usually fine at arguing these things but I guess I just reached a breaking point with someone who didn’t even bother arguing, addressing any points, and just wanted to get a “gotcha” moment with no substance.

  • @hitwright
    1 year ago

    I mean your arguments we’re probably weak AF

  • @andrewta
    -171 year ago

    Russia didn’t want Ukraine in NATO but invades Ukraine and effectively kicks the door open to basically force NATO to let Ukraine into NATO.

    Law of unintended consequences?

    • sobuddywhoneedsyou
      231 year ago

      to basically force NATO to let Ukraine into NATO

      If NATO is being forced to let in Ukraine, then why is Ukraine still not a part of NATO after all this time?

      If you said this about Sweden I could understand. But everything about Ukraine joining NATO has been speculative saber rattling. As I see it they will never allow Ukraine to join.

      • @andrewta
        -121 year ago

        The vote will happen once the war is over that has already been publicly stated. The only reason it won’t happen while the war is happening is it would create a situation that put NATO in direct conflict with Russia. Right now it’s just handing the arms to Ukraine.

        Had Russia not invaded this most likely wouldn’t have happened.

        • albigu
          91 year ago

          So, by attacking Ukraine to prevent it joining NATO, Ukraine joining NATO can only happen after the war is over (probably, maybe, perhaps)? That’s the opposite of your “unintended consequences” claim, even ignoring how Ukraine’s entrance in NATO is still not even guaranteed after this war ends.

      • @hitwright
        -11 year ago

        Yes, but it brings the whole NATO to war by default. Since that is an escalation no one wants to play, so the Ukraine continues to suffer alone.

        • @[email protected]
          141 year ago

          So if the war means Ukraine cannot practically join NATO, and if Russia is unlikely to leave Ukraine in a state where it could join NATO after the war, is it likely that invading Ukraine will lead to Ukraine joining NATO?

          • @hitwright
            11 year ago

            You are right. Since deescalation from Russia into a cease-fire would mean the end of the War, now they are pushed to a full blown war of attrition. (That’s depressing AF)

            On another note western countries are heavily claiming long term support for Ukraine with huge investments in the military complex. If the support continues there is still a very slim chance for Ukraine to exit out of this victorious, otherwise both will lose.

      • @andrewta
        -191 year ago

        Once the war is over they will be. The invasion of Ukraine basically created a situation where NATO said enough is enough and has agreed that Ukraine can join. Had Russia not invaded this would most likely not have happened.

        • Red Wizard 🪄
          311 year ago

          Lol this isn’t a marvel movie kiddo and this war isn’t going to be “over” where the “good guys” win and the credits roll. It’s going to end the same way the Iraq war ended. 20 years of bloodshed, every Ukrainian killed, irreparably traumatized, or radicalized, with Azov insurgencies armed to the gills with NATO and US assets with a deep hatred of all three parties involved.

          It’s natural landscape raped for it’s resources, it’s “reconstruction” privatized by Global Financial Capital, it’s people’s “identity” will be nothing but a shallow husk of its former self.

          Don’t forget what Iraq looked like prior to the deathgrip of imperialism:

          In 20 years, the then 20 year olds born around the time of the war won’t even know why we were aiding them, or why we would bother to help a “dirty” “under developed” nation like Ukraine. Just be ready to show them photos of what it looked like before NATO and the US wrapped their filthy, oily hands around their throats and choked them blind.

        • @[email protected]
          161 year ago

          Were they not on the cusp of joining before Russia invaded? I thought that was one of the reasons for the invasion, to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO?

          • @andrewta
            1 year ago

            There has been talk for years. But it never went anywhere and was never going to. I don’t remember right off hand why ( I just woke up and my brain is still foggy) but I do know it was never going to happen. Putin just wanted more land and believed that since NATO was never going to vote to have Ukraine join, it was going to be a quick conflict and the thing would be over. He took Crimea and the world did nothing. If it worked once why wouldn’t it work again?

            Man was he wrong.

              • @andrewta
                -181 year ago

                Because if Ukraine is part of NATO and Ukraine is being invaded then NATO basically has to directly join in the fight. Which means direct conflict between NATO and Russia. That is never a good idea.

                And there is no civil war. Well no more then there is in the US. There are certain groups in the US that want to break away. Obviously that won’t happen. They never gain any real traction.

                In Ukraine they wouldn’t have gained traction either , but Russia decided to back and also arm the separatists. That was done for the sole purpose of giving Russia an excuse to invade and annex Crimea.

            • Nocturne DragoniteOP
              141 year ago

              “Putin just wanted more land” has to be the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard about this conflict. How do you even imagine this happened? He was just sitting there bored one day and decided “you know what, more land sounds great!”

              Do yourself a favor and look up the Euromaidan coup.

        • queermunist she/her
          1 year ago

          “When the war ends, Ukraine will join NATO.” + “Russia can not allow NATO on its borders.” = “Russia has zero incentive to ever end the war and has every incentive to fight the war indefinitely.”

          By promising to admit they have actually made Ukraine into a permanent warzone, turning what was a regional dispute into an existential threat to Russia’s national security. And that was the point. Maybe they actually would let Ukraine join after the war, but that’s why they don’t want the war to end. Ukraine has now become a pit where they can throw in money in exchange for Russian blood and treasure.