all my hosting is handled through namecheap right now because i am both lazy and uneducated, BUT i’ve been looking into setting up a home server for unrelated reasons! i will absolutely be circling back to this comment ^^
some people are averse to it because some hugely high percentage of all websites run through it - for privacy reasons, that’s not a good thing - if they enshittify, their data set could be more valuable than metas
all my hosting is handled through namecheap right now because i am both lazy and uneducated, BUT i’ve been looking into setting up a home server for unrelated reasons! i will absolutely be circling back to this comment ^^
you can do similar things for free with cloudflare, if you don’t have an aversion to using cloudflare
what’s the deal with cloudflare?
some people are averse to it because some hugely high percentage of all websites run through it - for privacy reasons, that’s not a good thing - if they enshittify, their data set could be more valuable than metas