Hello, I’m wondering if there is a way to download webpages anonymously, without actually having to visit the website. I want to access this website, but it requires Javascript. So, instead I’m just wondering if theres a way to download the webpage (I want to download the webpage with its functions, like any audio features along with it, for say, Ultimateguitar.com). I recall there being some GNUWebProxy downloading tool or whatever, I just forgot the name of it.

Thank you!

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Why don’t you want to visit ultimate guitar? Has it changed in the last ten years since I’ve used in last? It used to be great

    So, my information may be outdated, but a given webpage is made up of:

    1. HTML - basic structure and content
    2. CSS - how it looks
    3. Scripting - interactive elements

    You could probably fetch the basic parts of the page with wget or curl or something like that. But depending on how the media is obtained, you would likely have issues fetching the audio

    • @ZeonOP
      1 month ago

      I want to use it, but it requires Javascript in order to view the webpage. I’m wondering if there’s a utility that would allow me to download the webpage over Tor, with all the sites functions (audio, elements, etc.)

      Wget could work, I’ll give it a try soon. Thank you! (I don’t necessarily need the audio, but it would be nice to have)

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        JavaScript would be required if any of the media elements require AJAX to work (like the audio).

        I don’t believe wget would do what you want

        • @ZeonOP
          11 month ago

          Just edited my comment. It’s not a necessity for me, but would be nice to have. Thanks for the info!