Late to the party on this one but scared Gigi is so good

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    37 days ago

    Hm, I see what you mean. I suppose a normal strikethrough would be fine, its just whatever strikethrough was used I literally could not read it at all. The title looked like:

    “Gigi screams give me e████████████ life”

    As you can probably see, this was extremely clickbait looking to me, thus my quite visceral reaction. A normal ~ strikethrough is fine, its just whatever character were used for it this time did not translate well on my device. Thank you for being considerate though.

    • MHLoppyOP
      37 days ago

      “Gigi screams give me e████████████ life”

      Haha, totally understandable then

      Thank you for being considerate though.

      No worries, thanks for bringing it up!