Every time Windows updates itself, my Linux disappears. Actually, it’s just hidden, only the boot menu was overwritten. You need a computer maintenance technician to make a new boot menu. I use a USB stick with a live Linux with automatic boot repair tools.
Recently, Windows has become resistant to Boot Repair Disk. Now I have to open computer firmware by tapping “Esc” right after power-up, then select “Boot options”, then “Linux”.
EU must ban all US-made smart products for its own safety. All closed-source software and electronics that can be used for strategic manipulation and sabotage – Google, Apple, Amazon, all of it.
We have functional, clunky open-source software that could easily be fitted for any purpose with the money we waste propping up foreign monopolies sabotaging us. Europe has taken a huge risk. I suspect bribery.
None of this has ever been my experience
AFAIK Virtualization is very Dependant on hardware. Some processors are not optimized for virtualization at all so even if you have great video cards or anything the virtualization could still run like shit for you and run seamlessly for someone with less specs. Don’t ask me which ones are good I learnt this the hard way while trying to use a celeron to run a VM.
Well, to some degree I’m sure you’re right. But the thing is, I’ve used VMs off and on for at least 15 years on AMD, Intel, and ARM cpus. My universal experience has been that software running within those VMs, even on an incredibly fast host machine, runs so slow it’s painful. I have mostly used VirtualBox which I know a lot of people hate but it’s been the only one I have found that usually “just works”. So I dunno. If you have a better suggestion for a VM host that runs fast on linux (x86) I’d love to hear it because I’m currently trying to permanently ditch windows and VMs could be a part of that because I do want access to Photoshop and a few other Adobe apps. But thusfar when I’ve tried that, the slowness has been unbearable.