Just gonna keep this short and to the point.

We all know FDR only went so far with including black people in new deal programs to appease the southern coalition of Dems. He also denied entry for Jewish Refugees and deported many Mexicans during the Great Depression.

Once LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act, Dems essentially lost the South forever.

Nixon pulled federal funding from affordable public housing in black neighborhoods and it strengthened his base.

Reagan blamed the aids epidemic on gay people and was embraced by the country.

Obama had to run on being anti-gay marriage in 08, but ran on being pro-gay marriage in 2012 and lost some support.

Trump spent millions in anti-trans ads. And leaned into the trans panic.

I know social issues aren’t everything, but it seems like that’s the direction America has gone post Civil Rights.

  • @[email protected]
    42 months ago

    Honestly, this isn’t even up for debate. Yes, objectively yes. Anyone who lives in a rural hellhole knows full well that bigotry drives these people more than literally anything else. They would happily suffer if it meant that the people they hate for no reason will suffer more.

    My grandma hates Biden for daring to work with a black man, despite the fact that he spent most of his political career as a horrid racist and his pick was literally to appease her and people like her. She’s the perfect example of the average Republican, they aren’t good people.

    • @BadmanDanOP
      32 months ago

      Thanks for the insight. I honestly feel like that’s more common than a lot of leftist of MAGAS want to admit.