Is it “Thelonious” or “Thelmoious”?
I can’t find any good articles discussing the reasons for the differences in the spelling of Monk’s first name/stage name. His wiki page says his birth name is “Thelious Monk Jr.”
Surely someone has written about this, right?
EDIT: I forgot I was using a Firefox extension that swaps “Elon” to “Elmo” and I guess it was doing it within words too. LOL
#thelmoiousmonk #thelmoiousmonk #jazz @jazzfm @jazz #music @[email protected] @[email protected] @jazz
I’m not entirely sure what your question is but plenty of people have one name on their birth certificate while using another name, even on legal documents. My aunt was in her fifties when she found out her birth certificate said Diana instead of her legal name, Diane.
Sorry, I messed up the title… His name on albums is “Thelonious”…