Trump seeks to "paralyze" the "Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board" (PCLOB). A key element of the EU-US data transfer deal ("TADPF") that allows EU-US data flows.
Good thing I’m correct as it’s my job to ensure compliance with it for my employer and related companies.
And we call those rights « data subject rights » as it’s not about users but specifically the physical person concerned about the data. But close enough I guess.
Correct. GDPR doesn’t prevent US services from serving users in Europe. It does enforce some user rights though.
You are also correct about EU countries violating privacy rights, this is a global fight, not limited to the US or US companies.
Good thing I’m correct as it’s my job to ensure compliance with it for my employer and related companies.
And we call those rights « data subject rights » as it’s not about users but specifically the physical person concerned about the data. But close enough I guess.