• lurch (he/him)
    -21 month ago

    i don’t understand. one is a form of economy and the other a form of government. how does an economy decay into a government?

    • @rockSlayer
      191 month ago

      Because politics and economics are falsely divided.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      The two are mutually dependent on each other, without the capitalist economy the government would collapse, without government then capitalism would become too unstable and monopolistic, and workers would be able to see it for what it really is, and their revolutionary place within history. The ruling class and their representative politicians makes the rules, the state enforces them with violence, and does other things to create (sort of) false middle classes that effect worker consciousness.

      Saying capitalism is an economic system is extremely reductive. Coin currency has existed for a long time, but it isn’t capital. Under capitalism, every aspect of our lives requires money, and every bit of work we do is exploited. We are alienated from nature, from our work, each other and our selves. Wages work is just a temporary form of slavery that you agree to, but without money you have no way to sustain yourself, you have to sell your labor or starve. This isn’t just an economic system it is a whole system of oppression. Fascism is just one of the many forms it takes. On the other end you would have like social democracies.

      So the two things, capital and the state, are linked, contradictory, and inseparable. But when you only look at things as objects and not as relationships or the product of human labor (which objectivism/empiricism is not good at doing) then your only option is to categorize and parameterize “things”. This reinforces the existing illusions about capitalism and the state. To see through them, we need to learn to inform our actions with dialectics and humanism.

    • @njm1314
      21 month ago

      In what world are economy and government separate? They’re inherently linked. Basically one is a branch of the other.

      • lurch (he/him)
        11 month ago

        A country can have one type of government, like monarchy or anarchy or so, and also one type of economy like communism or socialism or so. Of course, there will be some interaction, eg. laws the government makes can affect the economy or the corruption in the government will manifest differently in another type of economy.

        If for example, the king in a monarchy decides to switch from capitalism to socialism, there is nothing that forbids the combination with monarchy. Same, if a king gets toppled and the citizens switch to democracy, they can keep their former type of economy. They are very different properties of a nation.

        • @njm1314
          21 month ago

          Could you please give me an example of a country that has a monarchy and exercises communism at the same time? I would love to hear about this.