Is it “Thelonious” or “Thelmoious”?

I can’t find any good articles discussing the reasons for the differences in the spelling of Monk’s first name/stage name. His wiki page says his birth name is “Thelious Monk Jr.”

Surely someone has written about this, right?

EDIT: I forgot I was using a Firefox extension that swaps “Elon” to “Elmo” and I guess it was doing it within words too. LOL

#thelmoiousmonk #thelmoiousmonk #jazz @jazzfm @jazz #music @[email protected] @[email protected] @jazz

  • I've got questionsOP
    21 month ago

    @gedaliyah OMG. I figured it out.

    I was using a Firefox extension that was changing “Elon” to “Elmo”… I didn’t put a space before and after “Elon” in the prompt, so it was changing it everywhere. Even within words.