Today’s game is LittleBigPlanet2. I beat the main story today and I even went back and Aced (beat a level without dying) the entirety of the first World. After beating the main boss I went ahead and played some more community levels. This screenshot is from a one made entirely of Cheese. I think this funky looking thing is supposed to be a mouse? I don’t really know what it is but it creeped me out kind of.

I also did a level where I had to climb a mountain. It was fun, though I think it was either a bit busted or I’m missing something because to had to spam the grappling hook to ascend it. The dogs were chilling right outside the base of the mountain. I ran past them quite a few times trying to figure out where to go.

I also got these two while (trying) to ace a level in the Factory of tomorrow. The whole level is one of my favorite areas with the music and design. Plus Clive Handforth was one of my favorite characters in the game growing up:

After this I think I’ll let LittleBigPlanet 2 take a backseat. I might pop in for some community levels and I eventually want to clear the Level Packs too, but I want to clear the other two games I started first on my PS3 before I start another game.

  • @sumguyonline
    21 month ago

    I too hide in video games from what god created IRL.