Let’s say there is a tulip lovers club, where they talk about tulips, their variations and how to grow them. Let’s say someone new joins the club, this new person starts saying that tulips are rubbish and that roses are better or something like that. This person becomes so insistent with these statements that they end up being kicked out of the club. Before leaving, the person calls the club an “Echo Chamber” about tulips.

Would this person be right?

  • @lordnikon
    171 month ago

    It’s all about execution everyone should be questioning themselves if they are correct in there thinking and creating an atmosphere of wanting to be proving wrong. If I join the group with an agenda of tearing down the group then no it’s not an echo chamber when I get kicked out. But if I join and then notice something about the tulips like they use too much water or are bad for the soil and I bring that evidence with the intent to have a good faith discussion about it. But I’m still kicked out that’s is an echo chamber.

    • NONEOP
      41 month ago

      Interesting take. Yeah, if good faith criticism is silenced, it’s a clear sign there’s something fishy