I don’t like front-end development but I enjoy writing things by hand rather than rely on one-off classes. Even in my blog, I tend to write a lot of HTML manually throughout the post, like creating a quick container to put two images side-by-side and center them, making blockquotes, the occasional nested list, in-line CSS, etc…
I’ve written some of it in VSCode and Joplin but I didn’t find it comfortable to write in either of them. What editor/extensions do you use to make dealing with HTML easier? I’m currently looking at Emmet, but it looks a bit intimidating to learn.
Edit: I ended up using Emmet for writing HTML in general along with Espanso for quickly inserting some templates I use. It’s working out pretty well!
vscode with the built-in Emmet support.
Emmet isn’t intimidating, unless you don’t know CSS, in which case it is extremely intimidating.
a+b: <a href=""></a><b></b> a>b: <a href=""><b></b></a> a*2: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> div.yeet: <div class="yeet"></div> A combination: a>b+i*2.dollah: <a href=""><b></b><i class="dollah"></i><i class="dollah"></i></a>
That’s 99% of what you need to know to get started with Emmet.
Anyway, I used to write 100% hand-written HTML, but switched to using Hugo because: Go’s built-in Templating language I knew from working with K8S, build-times are sub-second, and I can write a page in either Markdown or HTML, whichever I need (or even mix in some HTML in the Markdown!)
Because of hugo I don’t need to mess around with repeating parts (like the nav menu).
Only downsides:
before committingI use
git submodules
to have thepublic/
folder be my Github Pages host repo, so I can just muck about locally, while I do a rebuild (which changes the files in the submodule). Only after a commit, I’ll effectively publish the website.Check out the website (mostly for the HTML - the articles are… meh): https://Thaumatorium.com (no trackers, so no Cookiewall nonsense either :D)
One of the only cheat sheets I’ve ever printed out.
This is the way. It reminds me of writing pug back when it was still called Jade. Probably the only time I enjoyed writing HTML or templating.
I appreciate the rundown! I started getting used to Emmet now, it’s certainly more friendly than it looks. I think this is what I was looking for.
The short-hand for CSS in Emmet is also pretty neat, but It’ll take some time to get used to it.
w75p m10
turns intowidth: 75%; margin:10px
I would advise against using pixels for margin/padding since it’ll have issues for users who have different zoom/text sizes than you do.
Stick to rem for margin and padding.
If you’re still early days with css, it’s worth pointing out that you should use a “css reset” file. It will solve problems for you that you don’t even know exist yet.