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“If the purges [of potential voters], challenges and ballot rejections were random, it wouldn’t matter. It’s anything but random. For example, an audit by the State of Washington found that a Black voter was 400% more likely than a white voter to have their mail-in ballot rejected. Rejection of Black in-person votes, according to a US Civil Rights Commission study in Florida, ran 14.3% or one in seven ballots cast.”
"[…] Democracy can win* despite the 2.3% suppression headwind.
And that’s our job as Americans: to end the purges, the vigilante challenges, the ballot rejections and the attitude that this is all somehow OK."
You’ve never done it?
I have, in my country, where it’s relatively easy, but since I know this question is coming. Here is a source for you.
Yeah you’re spouting propaganda you’ve heard.
You sure proved your point. If only you weren’t spouting propaganda that you heard! I guess we’re at an impass now.
I’m going off real experiences
Sounds very “flat earth” of you.
By getting my own ID instead of regurgitating progressive flat earth lies from another country?
No going off your experience, sample size of one, while ignoring evidence ( that many people stuggle to get ID, with evidence) that points to the contrary of your personal experience( that you had an easy time * iT lOoKs FlAt*
I’m not going off a sample of 1. In all my life I’ve never heard anyone say it was hard to get an id