• @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Women are shitty communicators. I tell my wife this all the time. Just because you are talking doesn’t mean you are communicating. Men created TCP, women created UDP network protocols.

    Communication requires two parties to understand and come to a consensus, most women are making announcements, not communicating.

    Also, women tend to think they are more emotionally mature than men, but are generally significantly stunted in their emotional development. Flip the script, how do you think his wife would have reacted if he called her fat and then talked about a 5k then cried and threw a fit when she signed up? Most men would have been happy and excited, but most men wouldn’t have also gotten past calling their wife fat without a divorce.

    Edit: lol the white knighting here is crazy. You all will never get laid. Hopefully your wife’s boyfriends are at least having a good time.

    • sheepishly
      71 month ago

      You sound a lot like one of the local schizos on a /jp/ thread I frequent…

    • @papalonian
      41 month ago

      Mmk. Mmk.

      Now picture this: the OP is full of shit and has altered the story beyond recognition to get dumbasses like you to agree that wamen r bad.