The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) has confirmed the discovery of a super-Earth orbiting in the habitable zone of HD 20794, a nearby Sun-like star. This discovery, the result of over two decades of observations, opens a window to future studies of Earth-like planetary atmospheres.
That orbit is better described as passing through the habitable zone. How this would affect potential life, I have no clue, but it certainly isn’t a stable orbit in the habitable zone like earth or mars
Another article said it had 6.6 times earth’s mass, and now I’m really curious about the diameter and atmospheric composition. It sounds like it’d be a big Venus that alternates between freezing and boiling.
It sounds like an extremely interesting planet for sure, I hope they point Webb at it to get an atmospheric spectral analysis soon!