
Metadata from recent OPM memos on hiring freezes, firing, and in-person work reveals authors tied to the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a plan to overhaul federal government staffing with conservative loyalists.

Notable contributors include Noah Peters, linked to controversial legal cases, and James Sherk, who designed the “Schedule F” worker reclassification to ease federal employee firings.

Critics say the memos reflect Trump-aligned efforts to reshape the government.

Project 2025 authors have been integrated into Trump’s administrations, despite his denial of involvement.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    221 month ago

    Well, isn’t that weird. I thought donvict said “he doesn’t know her” when it came to Project 2025. And all the qon chuds were saying that Project 2025 was just some librul conspiraceee?

    • @StopTouchingYourPhone
      51 month ago

      Since 2016 I’ve been hearing nonstop “don’t alienate your allies,” “civilized discourse,” “both sides” and on and on. Meanwhile my enemy is rage-quoting Romans 13 and advocating for immediate executions of political opponents.

      Now those sort of hateful bloodthirsty fruitloops are writing memos in the White House to get rid of anyone standing in the way of God-Trump’s rule in the Whitehouse (and on earth amen). And this time they know how to break all the systems in place to protect people from evil and/or amoral folk after already having a kick at them.