A conversation about import tariffs, climate goals of companies and financial institutions, and how should Europe respond to Trump’s plans?

Interview with Sandra Phlippen, i.a. professor by special appointment of sustainable banking at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

NOTE: 16 min interview in Dutch . Set auto subs to your preferred lenguage. I normally try not to post videos, but I found this video relevant in these turbulent times and couldn’t find an adequate readable replacement.

The interviewer is somewhat annoying and disruptive, but it’s worthwhile. Also Dr. Phlippen mentions VonderLeyen’s speech in Davos earlier, which has been overshadowed by the many crazy statements of the current US Administration.

  • Riddick3001OP
    1 month ago

    FYI: In Davos Ursula von der Leyen presented Europe’s plan of action, a new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitiveness.

    (…) " This starts with making business easier and faster, and deepening our Single Market across all sectors. The Competitiveness Compass, as the first major initiative of the new Commission, will frame our future work building on the Draghi report."

    • Riddick3001OP
      1 month ago

      Single Market across all sectors.

      Tbh, as comsumer I find this single market still lacking.

      For example, when I want to buy stuff online I am redericted to my country’s website and my contry’s current marketprices. If I have stuff shipped physically, still the customs office will tax it when a certain price range is reached. I get that certain economies are different, and that’s why the prices differ, but the claim about it being one big shopable consumer market is incorrect. Something similar could probably be said about the exchange of services & people.

      Hope that the EU will speed things up. This national BS protectionism against fellow Union members has to go imo. That is without disrupting regional economies too much . I imagine a gradual phase out would do the trick.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Totally agree, reading the description of what they want to do sounds decent but it needs to happen. If the EU can be treated as a homogeneous entity for businesses that will really help make things less of a ball ache and the business can focus on their business itself

        Let’s see if they can actually make it happen quickly