A person endowed with the two qualities of guarding the sense doors and moderation in eating lives with discontentedness in this very life and after death, a bad destination is expected.

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, thus I have This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, thus I have heard:

“Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu endowed with two qualities lives in discontentment in this very life, with distress, with trouble, with burning [passion]; and upon the breaking up of the body, after death, a bad destination is expected. What two? Lack of guarding of the sense doors, and lack of moderation in eating. Endowed with these two qualities, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu lives in discontentment in this very life, with distress, with trouble, with burning [passion]; and upon the breaking up of the body, after death, a bad destination is expected.”

The Blessed One spoke on this matter. Therefore, it is said thus:

"The eye, the ear, and the nose, the tongue, the body, and likewise the mind; For a bhikkhu who has these doors, uncontrolled here —

Lacking moderation in eating, unrestrained in the senses; He perceives bodily and mental anguish, and he experiences discontentment.

With a body that is burning, with a mind that is burning; Whether by day or by night, such a one dwells in discontentedness."

This matter too was spoken by the Blessed One, thus I have heard.

The path to enlightenment builds on a well-developed routine and understanding of restraining the senses (i.e. not engaging in activities that prolong or build up excitement or attachment) and in moderation in eating. For a lay person practicing today, this is a step that when accounted for and planned around, leads to many benefits, and without which, further progress to cultivating mindfulness and training in jhānas is not possible. Read the Gradual Training, Gradual Practice, and Gradual Progress (MN 107) to see the role of training in these two steps.

One can start by cultivating these practices for a period of 6-8 weeks, and then independently verifying for the growth in contentment and ease in the body and mind.

Related Teachings:

Two qualities that lead to a contented abiding (ITI 29) - A person endowed with the two qualities of guarding the sense doors and moderation in eating lives happily in this very life and after death, a good destination is expected.

A Bucket of Rice (SN 3.13) - King Pasenadi used a verse given by the Buddha when eating to aid his mindfulness. One can similarly come up with a creative routine as an aid.

Frequently paying attention as a basis (SN 46.23) - The Buddha explains how frequently paying attention to certain things can lead to the arising and expansion of hindrances and awakening factors.

  • @apfelwoiSchoppen
    1 month ago

    Add one more thing to the list: the use of generative AI. That fridge, my homies. Eek.