Hi! I have been playing guitars on and off (mostly off) for over 20 years. Technically I feel competent and can physically play anything I would want to play. My issue is I don’t feel I really know much about the guitar and don’t really progress. I don’t have much of a repertoire and just know a handful of licks and half songs. I want to dedicate some time the next 6 months to learning but not sure where to start. If it helps I’m mostly interested in blues/jazzy stuff. Any advice?

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    I’ve been playing for almost a year and just a few weeks ago subscribed to Guitar Tricks.

    I’m currently doing the beginners course just to brush up on basic stuff that Rocksmith doesn’t really teach.

    They also have courses for specific types of music so you might give them a look.