I was under the impression that having sex was a choice? By both parties? Taking birth control or vasectomies? If you don’t want a kid, take the appropriate precautions or be abstinent. It’s not a hard concept to grasp that the main function of sex is to reproduce lol especially since 95% of abortions are elective.
Do I agree that it should be banned? No.
Do I think it’s not a priority because 95% of it is elective? Yes.
Yea, cause cooking for your family is so oppressive.
Being forced to have a family and to have the specific role of cooking for them based on your gender is yes.
No one is forcing anyone to have family lol
Oh I must’ve been mistaken, I was under the impression that several states have banned abortion
They’re just gonna go with the classic slut-shaming “should keep her legs closed”, you know.
When in reality their mom should’ve.
They also wanna get rid of no-fault divorce.
That’s what they say. I’m doubtful they’ll stop there
I was under the impression that having sex was a choice? By both parties? Taking birth control or vasectomies? If you don’t want a kid, take the appropriate precautions or be abstinent. It’s not a hard concept to grasp that the main function of sex is to reproduce lol especially since 95% of abortions are elective.
Do I agree that it should be banned? No.
Do I think it’s not a priority because 95% of it is elective? Yes.
It depends on your choice, if that’s your only choice it is oppressive