If it’s not a debt why does it show up on your credit report when you get evicted for failure to pay? Everything except earnings is debt now (actually earnings is someone else’s debt until it’s paid to you). Money itself is the governments debt. That said, you should probably pay your rent if you need to live somewhere.
If it’s not a debt why does it show up on your credit report when you get evicted for failure to pay?
The whole point of a credit report is to show a lender that if you commit to paying for something on a repeating basis, you actually demonstrate you pay as agreed on it. Its not about “do you have money?” or “do you make enough money?”. Its “when you commit to paying for something, do you actually do it?” (the reason as to why you don’t are irrelevant to a credit report.
If it’s not a debt why does it show up on your credit report when you get evicted for failure to pay? Everything except earnings is debt now (actually earnings is someone else’s debt until it’s paid to you). Money itself is the governments debt. That said, you should probably pay your rent if you need to live somewhere.
The whole point of a credit report is to show a lender that if you commit to paying for something on a repeating basis, you actually demonstrate you pay as agreed on it. Its not about “do you have money?” or “do you make enough money?”. Its “when you commit to paying for something, do you actually do it?” (the reason as to why you don’t are irrelevant to a credit report.
you mean like debt?