Explaining in good detail why people should care about how modern cars have become a privacy nightmare. From Regular Car Reviews.

  • @BigDaddySlim
    221 month ago

    Today’s cars are rolling smartphones with constant Internet connections. You can’t access the OS and you can’t see what data is being transmitted. It’s a privacy nightmare.

    Last summer I bought a 2021 Toyota RAV4 hybrid, I spent ages doing research before choosing to buy that vehicle. Does this one have that same tracking technology? Of course, however, in my research I found a way to disable it.

    What can be done with this particular car, and possibly many other Toyotas, if you remove the fuse providing power for the Data Communication Module (DCM) it will kill the transmission of this data. Keep in mind this isn’t an immediate solution, there is an 18650 battery in the module that will stay alive for a few days. Once that’s drained you’ve successfully stopped having Toyota spy on you remotely. Obviously they can still access this data if you go to the dealer and they plug into your car, but factory resetting your car should negate this (not confirmed, just a theory). Alternatively, just find a local shop you trust to do your basic maintenance if you can’t do it yourself.

    Other makes and models might be able to have the same trick pulled on them, but in my reading doing this in some cars might actually trip the car into limp mode because of some bullshit failsafe built into the car. I believe some Mazdas have this issue.

    Downsides to doing this do include losing any remote start function you might have available with the remote app, as well as remote tracking of the vehicle (obviously).

    Feel free to look into this type of remedy for any modern rolling cellphones you might be considering buying or already owning, check owner forums or even ask within them if any owners have tried this type of solution for a car you might want to buy.

    Also, the DCM in my particular car can be removed without causing issues, I just haven’t had the time to tear the dash apart to remove it, as it sits in the dash below the infotainment screen.