Or is it “The monkey for whom I’m wondering if they can see my ears.”


“The monkey, regarding whom, I’m wondering if they can see my ears.”


“The monkey who I’m wondering if they can see my ears.”

All of them sound stupid.

  • @FourPacketsOfPeanuts
    1 month ago

    Is this a fragment of a sentence? Because it seems like an incomplete thought.

    If there’s further information to come in the sentence with the monkey as the subject you could use brackets to indicate your thought and write…

    “The monkey (about whom I’m wondering: ‘can they see my ears?’) did something or other…”

    This isn’t strictly grammatically correct, but seems to be the most natural way it could be written and said without sounding weird.

    Or is ‘monkey’ an answer to some other question and you’re adding that other information for context? If so, you could use a semi-colon.

    “What’s bothering you?”

    “The monkey; I’m wondering ‘can they see my ears?’”