• 2ugly2live
    51 month ago

    This is such a non-issue. All the shit we could be working on, but we’re going to pick on school kids trying to figure themselves out.

    • @HexadecimalSky
      51 month ago

      They need to tell people they are doing something and solving issues and it’s alot easier to solve issues you create then those that actually plauge society.

    • @Seleni
      1 month ago

      ‘Tell me I’m part of an in-group. That I’m great and that I belong and that nothing will change that. Then show me an out-group, and make them suffer so I can feel even better about being in the in-group.’

      That is what Conservatives have been asking for. That is what they really want. And he’s giving it to them, as a thank-you for getting him into office.

      See also: ‘He’s not hurting the right people!’

      The bonus is this also advances the Nazi agenda.