Do you miss phones with replaceable batteries? By 2027, you won’t anymore because, by law, almost every smartphone will have them again.

  • Cosmic Cleric
    11 year ago

    “Then i guess I do represent conservatism if it’s that binary choice to you,”

    Oh I definitely do not think it’s a binary choice, but the way you phrase it I was wondering if you think of it as a binary choice, hence my question to you.

    It’s been my experience that liberals are more open-minded and less binary towards conservatives (“as long as they’re not hurting anybody let them do what they want”) than conservatives are towards liberals (“there’s only one way to God and I know the path so you must follow my way”). A way over simplification, but it tends to make the point.

    Just one person’s anecdotal opinion, but still, thats what my life experiences have shown me.