Donald Trump has wasted no time making his mark in his first week back in office, signing executive orders, delivering speeches and outlining his plans. Meanwhile, the Democrats are still absorbing their election loss in November and trying to chart a path forward. But despite the prevailing view that they are in trouble, their situation may not be as dire as it seems.

  • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
    8 days ago

    Hanlon’s razor applies here.

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    So either they are malicious in their mistreatment of their voter base and America by letting Trump go scott free for 4 years, or they’re stupid.

    Either way, why would I put my faith into them?

    • @Sterile_Technique
      78 days ago

      Hanlon’s razor almost never applies to politics. Whatever they do can be assumed intentional and results assumed calculated.

      Hold people accountable.