
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged countering the Trump administration’s policies by resisting at every turn, arguing that its incompetence makes it vulnerable.

Her remarks followed chaos caused by a rescinded executive order that temporarily shut down Medicaid portals nationwide.

She encouraged activists to take offline action, citing ongoing mobilization efforts.

Her strategy focuses on making governance difficult for Trump, calling his administration “dangerous and cruel” but also “shockingly dim.”

  • @TankovayaDiviziya
    7 days ago

    Eight hour working day, even the basic implementation of minimum wage, forbidding child labour, abolishing slavery, women being allowed to work outside their home and even 14-day paid leave were once considered “not perfect”.

    Do you know how these aforementioned basic rights and privileges we take for granted were actually achieved? Organising. But of course liberals won’t get it. They benefit from the status quo. Either that or many Americans have been conditioned to think within an allowed frame of discourse by corporations and its media.

    • @lurklurk
      27 days ago

      Hey, if you organise but vote D in the cases where it’s the best chance to keep R out, I’m happy

      If you don’t vote D in the cases where it’s the best chance to keep R out, you’re effectively supporting R regardless what you’re telling yourself. If you’re also organising, nice, but if your organising is to convince more people to effectively support R like you, we’d all be better off if you quit.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        7 days ago

        Who says vote D or R? Organise to have other third parties. They may not have a chance to win in federal elections, but they do well in local and state elections. Then work your way up to influence the federal government (and it’s not like there has never been a third party gaining seats in Congress and Senate).

        Read the quote from Noam Chomsky. You’re being bamboozled to think tribally. You probably just don’t hear about third parties in local and state level because the media wants you think within a spectrum of thoughts they allow people to have. Think outside the box. There are many other options.

        • @lurklurk
          17 days ago

          Go for it, but also vote D where they’re the only realistic option to R.

          Otherwise, support for a third party becomes support for R, as previously with the greens

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            17 days ago

            Lol. You’re still missing the point. Democrats are still the same people who don’t want any third parties to be elected. Why would they allow that to happen if the current system is what also puts them in power like the Republicans?

            Think outside the box.

            • @lurklurk
              7 days ago

              well, have fun keeping R in power then

              • @TankovayaDiviziya
                7 days ago

                Chomsky’s manufactured consent in action (or someone who benefits from growing wealth inequality).

                • @lurklurk
                  17 days ago

                  do the math, it’s not particularly difficult

                  • @TankovayaDiviziya
                    17 days ago

                    Like I said, organise and start at local and state level and then work way up. Third parties are successful in state and local levels. And it’s not like third parties also never got seats at the federal level either. Third parties had been more successful 100 years ago. You’re being brainwashed to believe that it’s hopeless. Americans forgot how to organise and mobilise. They simply have to remember it.