Uhh… ok? Not sure what I did to offend you, but sorry, I think…
Edit: can someone else tell me what’s weird? I don’t think anyone would compare seeing a mentally unwell person fondling their wiener to getting straight up assaulted, and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t try to stop someone from being assaulted if they could help. Where am I off?
The first recruit! Your gonna have so much fun in that bathroom beating asses and jerking off with homeless dudes because that’s totally not sexual assault.
Lol your fucking weird. Enjoy homeless dudes jerking off your super friends in the bathroom.
Uhh… ok? Not sure what I did to offend you, but sorry, I think…
Edit: can someone else tell me what’s weird? I don’t think anyone would compare seeing a mentally unwell person fondling their wiener to getting straight up assaulted, and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t try to stop someone from being assaulted if they could help. Where am I off?
Nah, don’t listen to them. You got it right.
The first recruit! Your gonna have so much fun in that bathroom beating asses and jerking off with homeless dudes because that’s totally not sexual assault.