I don’t see much but I also don’t frequent the main news and politics forums, and avoid getting involved in arguments about the best Linux distro is (when we all know it’s… nah not going there).
Hey Emperor, I’m happy to hear your experiences have been better :)
Yes, those two topics often turn out feisty in the comments. Thats why I’m excited for Mlem’s 2.0 release where we can toggle on/off filter word lists. Sometimes I just want to chill and enjoy the positives with my fellow lemmings.
I know that feeling! When I say I like Linux and use a particular distro someone is often attempting to convince me to switch to another one hehe. But I’m like “I like my current configuration and migrating again is a lot of work”.
I don’t see much but I also don’t frequent the main news and politics forums, and avoid getting involved in arguments about the best Linux distro is (when we all know it’s… nah not going there).
Arch, btw
Man, your spelling is horrible. That looks nothing like mint at at
Let’s just cut to the chase, cause we all know it’s TempleOS.
Well, now I know you’re crazy. I mean, you could have at least picked the #2, Hannah Montana Linux.
If youre not running fuzix then youre just running bloatware
Of course.
I always spelt it as Debian but who knows at this point how to spell anything correctly.
That’s a funny way to spell LMDE, but we’ll allow it.
Hey Emperor, I’m happy to hear your experiences have been better :)
Yes, those two topics often turn out feisty in the comments. Thats why I’m excited for Mlem’s 2.0 release where we can toggle on/off filter word lists. Sometimes I just want to chill and enjoy the positives with my fellow lemmings.
I know that feeling! When I say I like Linux and use a particular distro someone is often attempting to convince me to switch to another one hehe. But I’m like “I like my current configuration and migrating again is a lot of work”.
Go with Qubes and use all the OSs at once!
We all know the best one is the one you compile straight from the source and build it from scratch. Filthy casuals.
The best Linux is WSL